In an era of rapid technological advancement and societal shifts, the skills required for life and the workplace are evolving faster than ever. This accelerated pace raises critical questions: How can we adequately prepare and support our younger generations and how can we provide them with an education that aligns with this swift transformation to ultimately help them develop the necessary skills for success?

Education should be viewed as a collective effort where multiple actors collaborate to offer relevant, modern education for future generations. While schools lay the foundational roots, institutions representing the professional world can provide insights into contemporary topics, advancements, and emerging trends. This dynamic and up-to-date exchange with the professional world benefits students tremendously and enriches all involved.

The changing landscape of education

In a world where new technologies are rapidly emerging, information is always available, artificial intelligence is taking over various tasks, and digital natives are entering the workforce, the skills required today are vastly different from those needed in the past. Aligning educational outcomes with workplace needs is crucial and requires robust collaboration between the education system and employers. It is imperative that we all take responsibility for this alignment.

Educators, business leaders, academics, and governmental agencies have collaboratively redefined the skills needed in the 21st century workplace. These so-called 21st century skills are grouped into three categories: Learning & Innovation, Digital Literacy, and Career & Life. They include critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, collaboration, communication, information literacy, media literacy, ICT literacy, flexibility, adaptability, leadership, initiative, productivity, and social skills.

Developing essential skills

In today’s world, education is not just about memorizing facts and figures; it’s about understanding concepts and applying knowledge in real-world situations. This approach is not only more modern but also more engaging for students. Developing 21st century skills in our younger generations is essential and requires our education system to provide opportunities for students to discover and develop these skills. It also necessitates modernizing education and integrating these skills into the curriculum so that every student has the chance to prepare with the required skill set. Additionally, this offers both educational and external actors the exciting opportunity to remodel, renew, and modernize the current curriculum.

Bridging the gap

Enhancing collaboration between the education system and institutions, companies, and entrepreneurs is of utmost importance. This not only enriches the educational experience for students but also creates endless opportunities for mutual exchange and fantastic learning experiences for both students and professionals.

In 1984, Luxembourgish multi-entrepreneur Norbert Friob visited schools and spoke with pupils about entrepreneurship. The students were so captivated by learning about the professional world that they didn’t even hear the school bell ring for break. This was the birth of “Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg », an institution that bridges the gap between education and the professional world. Officially founded in 2005, « Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg » works closely with schools and businesses to build a crucial bridge between education and the corporate world.

The impact of Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg

Since our creation, more than 145,000 young people have participated in our programs, and in the 2022/23 academic year alone, almost 16,000 students benefited from our initiatives, primarily delivered within the school framework.

Under the slogan « Apprendre à Entreprendre », our mission is to prepare young people to innovate, create, take initiative, and be responsible. Our 13 education programs, consolidated under four pillars—Prepare, Practice, Explore, and Innovate—offer practical and collective experiences that foster the development of essential entrepreneurial skills for the future professional and personal lives of young people.

Preparing students with essential life skills, such as financial education in our « Fit for Life » program or providing first experiences in the professional world during our « Job Shadowing Day, » or supporting students in their first real entrepreneurial endeavour in our « Mini-Company » program, our 13 education programs offer engaging ways for students to learn and discover. These programs allow them to learn in real-life contexts, develop important skills, gain self-confidence, and most importantly, have fun while learning.

The success of our mission is made possible through a collective approach, involving a network of numerous stakeholders who work together to support young generations in developing their full potential. With 55 partners from the public and private sectors, 500 schools, 400 teachers, and 200 businesses involved each year, along with the team at Jonk Entrepreneuren, we ensure a comprehensive and coherent educational approach that enriches students’ learning experiences across the country.

Business volunteers deliver our programs in primary and secondary schools, host students in their companies for a few days, or act as their coaches during their entrepreneurial endeavours. This mutual exchange of learning between professionals and students is deeply valuable for both.

The initiatives of Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg demonstrate the power and potential of bridging the gap between education and the professional world. By fostering collaboration between schools, businesses, and other stakeholders, we can provide a richer, more dynamic educational experience that equips young people with the skills they need to thrive in the 21st century.

If you want to join us in this great adventure, we are always looking to extend our network with new partnerships and business volunteers ready to support the younger generations in their endeavours. Become a volunteer at